Community Montessori School
Redbud Weekly Newsletter 9/29/23
Marta Wagner and Alan Aragon • Sep 29, 2023

We hope it has been a great week for you as it was for us. We want to share with you something about what we experience in our community:

There is no doubt that shared experiences leave their mark on each of us. As you know, last week we had our camp, during this week we had the opportunity to reflect on those things that we liked and what we learned, some of the most notable comments were.

Camp "take outs":
* You can work with anyone if you have an open mind
* If we chose our own groups, we wouldn't do as well as we did
* Do not give up
* Accept others, you can't change them
* Stay optimistic
* Listen carefully
* Everyone has strengths and can contribute
* Look for the good in people
* Communicate

Sometimes we think that children of this age are still young to discern certain issues that relate to social processes or to have views on themselves and what they are; But when we give them that opportunity to expose themselves to difficulties, we are likely to be surprised.

We have observed that some partnership relationships have strengthened and others have diversified.

We have had lessons about Latin scientists and composers of great importance in the world. Some children have even been rehearsing songs.

We continue working with the great work of the gramatical city, with experiments on the needs of plants, some children ventured to make recycled paper, we heard the great story of our alphabet and other children have continued with advanced mathematics lessons with Charlie (teacher of the Nova community).

As always, we appreciate you sharing with us about your child's development.


Our class is needing help with caring for little Lavender the Hedgehog over weekends and holidays. 



Marta and Alan

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