Community Montessori School
The Skills of tomorrow
Stephanie Sayre • Oct 17, 2023

In a lecture in 1946, Maria Montessori said "The children of today will make all the discoveries of tomorrow... The future generation must not only know how to do what we can teach them, they must be able to go a step further." Learning skills and information is important but learning how to learn unlocks even more doors!

The World Economic Forum published this list of the top skills needed to succeed in the future economy. Problem solving, self-managment, and working with people are three of the top four skills types. It's interesting to note that these are all things that Montessori education excels at!

Of course, technology skills will also play a large part in the future but even there, with the rapid pace of development and near constant change, the ability to adapt, think critically, and just be curious will be crucial elements in any receipe for future success.

When you sit down for your parent-guide conference next Monday, consider the "future skills" on this list and how your child is doing by this measure. Perhaps we can re-brand the "3 R's" of the past (which aren't really 3 Rs, just sayin...) to the 3 R's for the future - reasoning, resilience, and creativity!


November 4th, 10am to 12 noon

We're just a few weeks away from our annual International Festival. Please save the date and make plans to attend! 


Each class chooses a country to represent and creates a display. Children receive a passport and collect stickers for every country they visit. Inflatables globes are given out at the end. In addition to all that fun, we have Music with Marshal, a Nova sale and a Book Fair. You don't want to miss it!


The CMS annual Book Fair will take place October 30th thru November 4th this year. Paper Pie Book Fair will be set up in the office conference room and available during office hours so plan on stopping by to browse! If you prefer online shopping, you can do that too! Preview books or shop online here

The Book Fair will also be available in the Library during the International Festival on Nov. 4th, from 10 to 11am. 


We are looking for a few more families to care for our CMS Chickens on weekends and school holidays.

Tasks include filling food and water, gathering eggs (which volunteers get to keep!), and yes, scooping poop from the inside of the coop. If you're interested in helping our hens out, please contact Rachel at for more details.

CMS Calendar

  • Oct. 23rd - Conference Day, no school for students
  • Oct. 30th to Nov. 4th - Paper Pie Book Fair 
  • Nov. 4th - International Festival, 10am to 12noon
  • Nov. 10th - Nova Parent Night Out, 6 to 10pm RSVP here
  • Nov. 20 - 24th - No School, Thanksgiving break

Cold weather Spriit Wear is here!

The mission of Community Montessori School is to provide authentic Montessori education

in a nature-rich environment that cultivates collaboration, curiosity,

love of learning, and respect for oneself, others, and the world.

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