Community Montessori School
Fall is Officially Here
Stephanie Sayre • Sep 26, 2023

The equinox took place this past Saturday so officially it is fall. The equinox, as you know, is the day when there is equal hours of daylight and darkness. Following the fall equinox, the days for us will begin to get shorter and eventually cooler weather will come. 

Learning about the seasons and the passage of time is an interesting example of a core trait of the Montessori materials, which is making the abstract concrete. Here are some examples of student work that illustrate this more fully.

In the first photo, a Children's House student is celebrating their birthday. Each year is a journey that the earth takes around the sun and so the child can get a concrete sense of the passage of time by walking around the sun one time for each year of their life. It's a fun way to acknowledge a birthday and also helps make real an abstract concept. The Montessori math materials are well known for their ability to make abstract concepts visible, such as in the second picture, where a student is counting multiples of six.

This approach continues even as students move into upper age levels. In the picture below, Upper El students use the binomial and trinomial (familiar from the Children's House environment) to illustrate algebraic equations. In the Nova adolescent community, students are learning about sound waves and finding creative ways to illustrate what they've learned.

Parent's Night Outs
Hosted by Nova Adolescent Community

Parents! If you'd like some quality time with each other or just a fun event for your kids, click here to sign up for one of our "Parent's Night Outs". 

Kids 5 years and up are invited to hang out and have some fun with our Nova students and Guides. These will be held in the Nova classroom from 6 to 10 pm. 

These events are part of our Nova MicroEconomy lessons. All proceeds go towards our Spring class trip. We appreciate your support! 

CMS Calendar

  • Sept. 25th - Enrichment classes begin
  • Sept. 29th - First Parents Night out hosted by Nova
  • Oct. 9th - School Closure Day
  • Oct. 23rd - Conference Day, no school for students

Sprit Wear is not just for kids!

The mission of Community Montessori School is to provide authentic Montessori education

in a nature-rich environment that cultivates collaboration, curiosity,

love of learning, and respect for oneself, others, and the world.

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