Community Montessori School
Lantana Weekly Newsletter 9/22/23
Jody French • Sep 23, 2023

Good afternoon,

This week we learned about wolves. The children had fun imitating howls and simulating wolf behavior on the playground. They were also very interested to discover that I have Husky-Timberwolf mix at home. Many children found a renewed interest in our bank game. They gather units, tens, hundreds and thousands and complete math equations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) together in a fun, interactive way. The younger children love to gather around to observe. We took a long walk and played follow the leader in a tree maze just outside our back gate. The children love to follow and imitate precise movements. This afternoon we did a science experiment with bubbles on our back patio. Be sure to look for photos on our Lantana Facebook page. Lindsay, our class ambassador, sent out info. for our next class playdate as well as a sign up for backyard maintenance help. We will be representing Mexico this year for our school International Festival. Be on the lookout for a sign up to help with our community table. Conference Day is October 23. A sign up will go out soon. 

Dates to remember:

October 9, School closure,Indigenous People's Day

October 23, School closure, Conference Day

November 4, International Festival, 10am

I hope you all enjoy a fun, relaxing weekend,

Jody and Rossy

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