Community Montessori School
Honeysuckle Weekly Newsletter 9/8/23
Kate Hearne • Sep 09, 2023

Dear Families,

Another hot week is complete! Even our indoor plants seem to get parched quickly, so we spent time watering them and caring for their leaves.

In our classroom, there are many procedures for the children to follow. For example, the children always go to a table when they arrive, put their belongings down, and take care of each item one at a time. When a child wants to paint at the easel, they must first put on the apron, then retrieve paper. If a child wants to do work on a rug, they place the rug on the floor first, then select the material for it.

These procedures are important to our community because it helps children know what to expect and what to do next, which encourages independence. I invite you to think about procedures you may have in your family that help your children in this way at home.

I hope to see you at the Montessori Journey Sept. 16, 9-11. This is a great opportunity to see what Montessori education is all about. You will get to interact with some of the materials your children love, and see what comes next in the elementary and adolescent communities. 

I hope you have a relaxing weekend, and let's all hope that the weather cools even just a bit next week!

With love,

Kate and Laura

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