Community Montessori School
Lilac Weekly Newsletter 9/1/23
Vanessa Batista • Sep 01, 2023

Hi Lilac Families, 

We have been practicing our grace and courtesy lessons at our morning gatherings. These lessons help the children navigate our classroom in a cooperative and peaceful way. The children have been practicing how to walk around other children’s work without interrupting their concentration or work. They are learning how to ask for help, how to walk safely in our classroom, and how to be a listener and a speaker in order to have a conversation while we are gathering together. As the weeks go by we will keep introducing more lessons, since showing kindness and consideration towards our friends, our environment, and Montessori materials, helps us build a sense of community and collaboration. 

Many thanks to all the families that signed up to bring flowers for our flower arrangement activity. Please follow the link if you would like to contribute with a small bouquet of natural flowers.


- Please LABEL ALL snack and lunch containers as well as clothing 


9/4: No School for Labor Day

9/16: Montessori Journey, open this link 

Please check out our Facebook page to enjoy pictures of this week. Here is the link:

Have a great long weekend, 

Vanessa and Sara

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