Community Montessori School
Lilac Weekly Newsletter 9/22/23
Vanessa Batista • Sep 22, 2023

Dear Lilac Families, 

It has been a busy week in our classroom. The younger children have been gravitating towards our art shelves. Lots of self-expression through coloring, watercolor painting, and pasting work. It is lovely watching the children snip paper using scissors and then collecting the pieces of paper for our pasting work. Our extended-day children have been practicing their math lessons using the golden beads material. They gather beads on their trays while counting their units, tens, hundreds, and thousands and then matching their quantities to their number cards. It is delightful observing the children collaborating and helping each other while being work partners as well as friends. We welcomed Logan into our community! 

Important Reminders

Remember that jewelry should be kept at home as we are not able to always keep an eye on it.

PLEASE LABEL everything that comes to school. Writing your child’s name in every container that comes to school is necessary. Snacks and lunches should be packed in reusable containers that can be identified and opened independently by the children. PLEASE provide your child with a nutritionally dense breakfast that will help them focus throughout our morning work period until mid-morning snack time. Send a fork or spoon as needed, please. 

If you have any other questions please refer to our CMS Parent Handbook.

Dates to Remember

Sept 25: First day of after-school enrichment classes

Oct. 9: No school: Indigenous People's Day

Oct.23: No school: Conference Day

Have a lovely weekend, 


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