Community Montessori School
Rosemary Weekly Newsletter 9/22/23
Marshal Crenshaw • Sep 22, 2023

Greetings Rosemary Community,

We have had a lovely week in the Rosemary room. Lots of activities and lessons being given as we settle in to our routines. When we enter in the morning we greet each other, take off shoes, and take a turn in the potty. Then children can choose a snack if they’d like or they can begin working. It is truly amazing at all the activity and work goes on before 9:00! By then most children have completed a small work cycle and then flow in and out of work choices for the next hour or so. At ten we head out to our yard for more work and play including plant watering, sand box play, and bubble blowing! After about twenty minutes in our yard we all line up and head to one of our playgrounds: the “Playscape” or “Shady Grove”. This really gives the children lots of big movement opportunities like running, climbing, and jumping. A little before 11:00 we transition back inside for lunch. After lunch we transition to nap time and the children usually sleep about two hours. When they wake we have snack and get ready to wait for you on the benches! It’s a pretty awesome day and your child is enjoying and thriving in it everyday!

Please keep checking Transparent Classroom and Facebook for photos.

Thanks to all who came to the Journey last weekend. I heard it was wonderful!

Have a great weekend,

Marshal, Janna, and Laura

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