Community Montessori School
Sunflower Weekly Newsletter 11/3/23
Krystin Peters • Nov 03, 2023

This week we welcomed Jack Silakov to our community! Jack’s sister Emma is a Sunflower alum who is now in the Bluebonnet community. If you came to our play date last weekend, you got to meet him already. He's a busy 17-month-old who loves climbing. Welcome back, Silakov family!

International Festival

The festival is TOMORROW! Thank you to everyone who signed up to help out. If you'd like to help, there are still a few spots open. Check our sign up! Our class is representing Panama and the children have worked hard making paper "mola" to decorate our table. Definitely come and check it out! The weather is supposed to be beautiful, so let's enjoy it! 

Fall Back!

Don't forget to change your clocks this weekend! Daylight saving ends Saturday night/Sunday morning. Time changes can be disruptive for toddlers (and adults too...) so be sure to give yourself and your children a little extra time and grace to get ready in the mornings! 


11/4: International Festival, 10am-12pm 

11/5: Daylight Saving ENDS

11/20-24: NO SCHOOL, Fall break 

I hope to see you tomorrow!

With love,

Krystin, Jessica, and Selena

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