Community Montessori School
Bluebonnet Weekly Newsletter 9/1/23
Cindy Ma • Sep 01, 2023

We continue with fun and productive works and lessons in the classroom. In small group lessons, we continue to work with the Sound Game, Number Memory Game (a game that involves number symbols and quantities association), Geometric Solids (naming each solids and finding the bases). A fun long weekend game that you can play at home, "I spy"! I Spy is a great game that you can play at home or in the car with your children to get familiar with the phonetic sounds. "I spy with my little eyes, something starts with "b" the child can look around and may have a wide variety of answers such as, ''book ``,''bubble ``,''bear `` and etc. In class, we introduce lower-case cursive letters to the children with only phonetic sounds for their initial Sandpaper Letters lesson. There is a sheet to help you sound out each letter's phonetic sound in the orientation packet, you can use it as a reference. Keep reading to your children too!

Did you see the super blue moon? It was super amazing. Is the moon blue? Does it happen all the time? NASA answered some questions that you/ your child might have. Check it out,


9/4: No School for Labor Day

9/16: Montessori Journey, open this link 

Please check out our Facebook page to enjoy pictures of this week. Here is the link: Bluebonnet Facebook Group

With love,

Cindy and Denise 

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