Community Montessori School
Honeysuckle Weekly Newsletter 9/15/23
Kate Hearne • Sep 16, 2023

Dear Families,

It's been great to have more seasonal temperatures this week, and today we had fun singing songs and reciting poems about the rain. 

Some children have been studying the parts of a flower, and were excited to identify the stamens, pistel, and corolla of a lily. Other children have been spending time studying the continents, the countries of North America, and learning some of the states. 

Please remember to label everything, even socks, as they often get misplaced. 

Tomorrow, Sept. 16, is the Silent Journey from 9-11. 

Here is a favorite poem, that is perfect for a rainy day:

The Woodpecker  by Elizabeth Madox Roberts

The woodpecker pecked out a little round hole

And made his house in a telephone pole.

One day, as I watched, he poked out his head

He had on a hood and a collar of red.

When streams of rain fall down from the sky,

And sparkles of lightning go flashing by,

And the big, big wheels of thunder roll,

He can snuggle back, in his telephone pole.

Have a great weekend!

With love,

Kate and Laura 

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