Community Montessori School
Redbud Weekly Newsletter 8/18/23
Marta Wagner and Alan Aragon • Aug 18, 2023

We started off strong and very busy with discussing community rules, playing collaborative games, assessing reading, writing and math skills for each child, establishing work expectations and rules for soccer which has been in the past the culprit of ongoing arguments among the players. We had a few big projects going on this week and observed children stepping up to leadership roles, collaborating, solving problems, applying themselves to new situations and making new friends. We listened to social stories about amazing animals and plants based on true events about Comanche, a horse who was in a battle with his rider until he was wounded, a dog Hachi who waited for his owner at a train station until his life ended, The stories brought us to conversations about our community and ways to care and support each other, contribute with the unique skills each one of us has.

We shared the meaning and etymology of our names then created beautiful cards for it. Some children still need your help finding the information. For one of the projects, the children got divided into 4 groups, created a beautiful cardboard tree with a trunk, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits and for the roots each member of the community drew a root with their name on as a reminder that although everyone is like an individual root, we all create a connected root system Another, ongoing project is to research about an animal we could have as a pet in the classroom. The children are working in groups based on the interest they have in the particular animal such as frog, chameleon and hamster.

We had a fun time trying to guess a description of a person without revealing their name and obvious information and playing new games. Some children had lessons on multiplication with the chequerboard and other math materials, paraphrasing with prepared sentences, using a protractor for finding the values of angles, long division and fractions.

In order to prepare for our camp in September to the Highland Lake Learning Center you will find an attached to this email medical form. More information will come later but please fill it out ASAP. 


Have a great weekend,

the Redbud Tribe

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