Community Montessori School
Redbud Weekly Newsletter 9/1/23
Marta Wagner and Alan Aragon • Sep 01, 2023

First and foremost, we extend a cordial greeting to all our families. We are excited to share about the experiences in our community this week:

Three very interesting and very active weeks have passed since our first day of classes. During these days we saw models of animals and volcanoes, research presentations about the pets with which we would like to share our classroom, activities dedicated to celebrating the birthday of Dr. Maria Montessori, and science experiments mixing different substances to obtain either a viscous mass or a volcanic explosion. We had beautiful lessons about creative writing, the origins of life, finding ways to obtain the volume of the pyramids in Egypt, and solstices and equinoxes.

We also walked through nature talking about the needs of plants, and made impressive geometric designs for their quality of generating a sensation of depth. It was interesting to hear the goals that each student has for themselves in this school year. We continue to establish routines that are as important for the development of autonomy and independence as cleaning our classroom and reading time.

Lastly, we chose the country that we will present at the autumn international festival: Japan, and the children have already begun their research. In short, we are pleased to share our ways of enjoying learning every day and of course, we would love to hear your anecdotes and comments that help us continue to get to know our students.

By the way, regarding the pet for our environment, we want to inform you that we are rescuing a hedgehog. Image included. The kids are also hoping to get a fire-bellied frog when we gather all the necessary supplies. There will be more information soon.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Redbud Team

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